New Things

Alex has been dreaming of a Vitamix since the day we met. We couldn’t walk past a demo in Costco without slowing down and watching the guy blend an entire pineapple whole. So, being the frugal couple we are, we have been saving for one over the past few months. While Alex was at DCO school in Newport I decided to take the plunge and purchase the Vitamix of his dreams. As a surprise of course. It was so hard to keep it a secret until he returned, but that didn’t stop me from trying it out while he is gone! Below are some of my tasty creations. They are all frozen fruit, greek yogurt and a bit of coconut milk. Super healthy of course!


In other news, Al is back in town which means my level of excitement has drastically increased. He still has another week or two before starting his new job and we are both glad he is having some much needed time to recover from 7 years of school! Over the weekend we made our first large purchase as a married couple. A brand new couch and chair! Although it won’t arrive for 6 weeks, we can’t wait to sink into all of its comfiness. It met our #1 requirement: deep (47″) and cushy enough you need to use quite a bit of energy to expel yourself from. The matching chaise was far to large for our house, so we opted for a Martha Stewart (what doesn’t she make these days?) striped chair and ottoman instead. Alex had to make sure he could read while lying on his belly and has also proclaimed he may be sleeping on the couch regularly. We shall see about that…I may beat him to it!