Summer Is Flying By!

Wow. Can’t believe how long it has been since my last post. Guess this is because summer is FLYING by! Last month we went camping with some friends at Potlach State Park off the Hood Canal in Washington. Although it may be hard to tell from the photos, this is what June on the Olympic Peninsula looks like! Yes, while all my friends and family back east are melting in a pool of their own sweat, we are bundled up.

The actual campground was across the street from the park. Overall, a nice spot. We reserved a very quiet and isolated spot in the back. Unfortunately, without the breeze from the water, this was where the mosquitoes liked to hang out. Mosquitoes here have gotten their hands on steroids. As in they were as big as small moths. So, if you ever head up this way get a well ventilated spot and take a good shower in bug spray.

We don’t mess around when it comes to camping food. You may notices that Trader Joe’s sponsored our first course. Always the planner, I chopped and seasoned veggies and potatoes to grill in packets (I hate prepping food while camping, so messy). I learned from previous camping let downs and pre-cooked the potatoes in the microwave before we left. Pure genius folks. The chicken sausage from Ottos Sausage Kitchen here in Portland. If you live in the area and haven’t been, do so ASAP. It really is the best reason to venture into our Woodstock neighborhood. And last, but not least, I followed through on a brilliant idea from Pinterest. For every 30 hours or so I waste on that site, I make about one project/idea/recipe that takes about five minutes. (Perhaps not a great return on investment??) But seriously, grilling strawberries dipped in marshmallow fluff is perhaps an even better idea than pre-cooking the potatoes.

There was much good conversation around a picture perfect fire. Alex and I were privy to stick drawn diagrams of how to rebuild Subaru engines. I also survived a rare Godzilla attack!

Although there was threat of rain the entire trip, we for once timed it just right. After a morning walk around the water we got on the road just as the sky opened up. Perfect camping trip in my book!

Flavors of the Week

I tend to get a bit lazy in the cooking department when Alex is out of town. This usually means buying a bunch of frozen stuff from Trader Joe’s and assembling, usually with the help of the microwave. I have tried to avoid wheat for about 5 years now and have sampled just about every gluten-free pasta under the sun. Most of these taste like a sandy mush shaped like a noodle, so I don’t eat a whole lot of pasta. Well, TJ’s hit it out of the park with their new corn noodles. The look and taste like real noodles!


I have also developed a bit of an obsession with coconut milk. In tea, in coffee, in cereal and most importantly in shanks. Thanks to some inspiration from Chocolate Covered Katie I have become hooked on these “sugar” free, cake batter milk shakes. I add some vanilla protein powder to make it more filling.


Last, but not least, I cooked with polenta for the first time. It was surprisingly easy and tasty. Feast your eyes on sautéed kale, leeks and artichokes on top of polenta with fried eggs and goat cheese. What’s your favorite meal you made this week?