No Skeletons In My Closet

Alex is in Rhode Island for the next two weeks to attend Officer candidate school for the Navy Reserves.  This means I have lots of time to do things like: start a new blog, try to wade through the world of Twitter and let my OCD nature take flight. I spent much of the day yesterday tackling our closet. It started out looking a bit like this.

The wooden rod broke for the second time in a few months, so I took this as a sign from above it was time to do some purging. Somehow this involved a trip to the hardware store, me using power tools and a subsequent trip to Target for organizational supplies. After the contents of our closet threw up on the bed, I put my inner Martha to work and pretty much double its capacity. Not to mention I even made some drawer space for Alex!! And yes, I do Roy G Biv my closet. By sleeve length. Don’t judge!


Much improved. For the first time in years I feel like I have a manageable quantity of clothing. And I am finally focusing on quality not quantity. It was about a year ago I discovered the “one in, one out” rule. While I have yet to be successful, I am hoping our newly organized closet with give me the motivation I need!