Our Weekend In Seattle

Holy moly summer is flying by! A few weekends ago we took a quick trip up to Seattle for the night. Being the nerds that we are, Alex and I wanted to see the King Tut exhibit before it went back to Egypt forever! We got a great package deal at The Paramount hotel. It was a very nice place to stay in the ideal downtown location. We were able to walk pretty much anywhere we wanted to go.

The exhibit was amazing, but VERY crowded. Apparently we picked one of the busiest weekends of the year to visit–it was the Bite of Seattle. There were pretty much people swarming everywhere, and fortunately we didn’t have to wait in line due to our VIP status. Totally love the feeling of walking past a giant line of people. Suckers! But if you are planning a trip to check it out I would try to go during the week, or at least not during a holiday weekend.

We also took our token stroll through Pike Place Market, laughed at the people waiting in like for the original Starbucks, stared at fish, couldn’t believe how cheap the flowers were, and managed to make it to the flagship Nordstrom twice and The Rack once. Alex even requested a Nordies trip, which once again confirmed I married the right man.


We were lucky enough to get a chance to see our camping buddies again who live nearby. It was nice to once again gorge ourselves on some fantastic food, and perhaps even better without the Jurassic sized mosquitoes. I would highly recommend checking out Lola if you are in the area. Everything on the Mediterranean menu sounded amazing and we tried as many things as we could. The grilled octopus was hands down the freshest and most non-rubbery I have ever had–you are just gonna have to trust me on that one. The salads and seafood kabobs were amazing. And for dessert we shared a serving of the Earl Grey ice cream. Sooooo good.

Lot’s of other exciting things going on here, hope to have an update soon!

{Photo Journal} Rhode Island, Good Eats & Spring

I was excited to get a few pictures from Alex this week while he is Rhode Island for Officer candidate school. It’s a game of “Where’s Alex” in the first photo (second back 4th row from the right). Glad to see he didn’t spend all of his time marching and studying! He finally returns to Portland on Friday and I can’t wait!

And what have I been doing to keep my self entertained? Seems like lots of eating!! Highlights include this thin-crust take and bake pizza from Papa Murphy’s… shockingly good! And a trip to one of my favorite places Salt & Straw where you get to experience ice cream, Portland style. If you haven’t been and live within a 100 mile radius of here you need to go ASAP. Tried the pear with blue cheese and boy was it worth the calories.


It has been a weird winter here. December was dry and warm, then January started to feel more “normal”. But the last few days has been all over the place. This has led to some confused plants, multiple rainbows and even a chance to wear my sunglasses! The joys of living in the Pacific Northwest!