{Photo Journal} Morning Surprise (updated)

I apologize for the earlier post. I tried to post it from my iPhone but it published before I had finished it! Will have to review how to make that app work. Here is the updated version of the post.

Nothing like waking up to a nice snow surprise! Just enough to be beautiful but not enough to evoke chaos. Exactly how I like it! Mr. Gnome seems to be handling the snow well, but is wondering when Spring will officially be here!



{Photo Journal} End of an Era

It is strange to think in a few hours I will officially be in my 30’s. While many dread this transition, I can honestly say I am ready for a new decade. Without a doubt my 20’s have been a wild ride and the people I have met along the way are unforgettable. My adventures have included living in three states, earning the honor of being called Doctor and meeting the love of my life. I have learned many lessons, often the hard way. But this next decade is filled with beginnings. I look forward to cultivating my career, creating a home and all the new things life will teach me.

My last weekend of 29 began with a beautiful sunset and signs of spring. I have officially mastered the art of the fried egg and I am learning the art of antiquing. Simple gifts, like someone remembering my love of dark chocolate with sea salt and cartel and spring flowers from a loved one are often the best. And there is nothing like spending time with good friends, a home cooked meal and the time-honored tradition of the Oscars to bring the weekend, and decade, to a close.






Rugs, Gnomes and New Jobs

It has been a crazy week here in Portland. Over the weekend we continued our home shopping spree and found this fantastic (and deeply discounted) rug at Home Goods. If you have never been, it is truly a magical place. It barely fit in my car and we have never been so thankful to own at least one vehicle where the seats fold down! The Kia Soul saves the day! The rug is lying on top of our large haul from Ikea that day as well. I was able to get a swatch of our new couch fabric and it matches perfectly!

Alex had to drill for the Navy reserves over the weekend, and I spent most of it grocery shopping, doing laundry and setting up our new double desk in the office. We have both been wanting our own desk space for a long time and our laptops really needed a “home” that didn’t include the kitchen table, couch or bed. It is still a work in progress but, as usual, IKEA had an affordable solution. Right now the desktop is unstained wood and I hope to make it more interesting in the future. (Sorry, the picture is pretty crappy quality)
We aren’t real big on Valentines day. Why only show the important people in your life how much you love them on one predetermined day? Even so, we decided to exchange small gifts with a max $20 price tag. I built Alex his own mini terrarium from one of my favorite garden stores in Portland called Pistils. It was a lot of fun! I got to pick out the glass vial and then layer in different colors of sand and stones topping it off with a little fluff of moss and an air-plant which we will hang in our kitchen window. He got me these cute little gnome salt and pepper shakers. I have been on a bit of a gnome kick lately and couldn’t be more happy to have these guys join us while we eat.

The biggest news of all is Alex started his new job as a nurse practitioner for Clackamas County on Monday! It has been a long road, but we are feeling incredibly fortunate for him to have found such a great job as a new graduate in this economy. Looking forward to life with no studying and just working!!