{Photo Journal} Enjoying Juneuary

The past two weeks have been rather crazy, but fortunately I had enough time to snap a few pictures. Although we have had “Juneuary” like weather (it was 47 degrees when I woke up today, we had insanely heavy rain yesterday) the flowers and veggies in our yard are thriving. I stole the phrase “Juneuary” from a patient. Not sure who came up with that term but it is the perfect term to describe June weather here in the Pacific NW. The neighborhood flower klepto (also know as my husband) treated me to a nice surprise bouquet one morning. There was also an amazing sunset the other night, perhaps one of the best I have seen yet in Portland. My sister and I have become rather addicted to the game Carcassonne. We have the iPhone app, which is based on a German board game and is extremely addicting. We managed to tie this week, and if you have ever played the game you would understand how unusual that is! (P.S. best money I have ever spent on an iPhone app!)  Last but not least, I snagged a stamp I know will be getting a lot of use in our household!

{Photo Journal} Tulip Festival

Despite living in Portland for almost six years I had never been to the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival till this past weekend. Even with the traffic and crowds it was worth it. The beauty of Oregon never ceases to amaze me!! I have been pretty obsessed with Instagram recently and the beautiful scenery gave me a chance to play around with all the different filters. Some of them I edited with Camera+ as well. Who ever thought your cellphone would be the best camera you owned?!


{Ramble} What photo app do you use?? Have any tricks to share??

{Photo Journal} End of an Era

It is strange to think in a few hours I will officially be in my 30’s. While many dread this transition, I can honestly say I am ready for a new decade. Without a doubt my 20’s have been a wild ride and the people I have met along the way are unforgettable. My adventures have included living in three states, earning the honor of being called Doctor and meeting the love of my life. I have learned many lessons, often the hard way. But this next decade is filled with beginnings. I look forward to cultivating my career, creating a home and all the new things life will teach me.

My last weekend of 29 began with a beautiful sunset and signs of spring. I have officially mastered the art of the fried egg and I am learning the art of antiquing. Simple gifts, like someone remembering my love of dark chocolate with sea salt and cartel and spring flowers from a loved one are often the best. And there is nothing like spending time with good friends, a home cooked meal and the time-honored tradition of the Oscars to bring the weekend, and decade, to a close.