{Ramblings} of the Week

Well, this week is almost over. I work Tuesday through Saturday, so I am on a slightly different schedule than the rest of you. Nothing too exciting planned for the weekend. Alex will be drilling with his unit at NOSC Portland. Don’t ask me what they do on these weekends. I do know that it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with “drills” and they don’t seem to be doing much marching either. Anyway, I digress. Here are a few of my favoring things this week…

WORD of the Week: BAZINGA!

We are currently watching season 3 of The Big Bang Theory and it has quickly turned into our favorite sitcom since Friends. Good, clean, smart television. Sheldon, who is by far the most memorable character, frequently says the word “bazinga”. Alex and I have decided we all need to say BAZINGA more often! Below you can enjoy a montage of Sheldon saying our new favorite phrase. If you haven’t watched this show yet get on it!!

SONG of the Week: “Somebody That I Used to Know”

I have been blessed with Sirius Radio which is a great way to find new music. I take pictures of the songs I like while they are displayed on my radio and come home and check the CD out from the library. This week I have probably listened to the song “Somebody That I Used to Know” by Gotye about 15 times. I even got desperate and shelled out $0.99 to Amazon.com for the single. Below is the music video on YouTube if you want to enjoy the song as well.

BREAKFAST of the Week: Baked Pumpkin Oatmeal

During the Superbowl I decided it would be a good idea to make bulk breakfast for the week. I found this great recipe for Vegan Baked Pumpkin Oatmeal and happened to have most of the ingredients. I modified it of course, following the rules while cooking isn’t something I tend to be very good at. I substituted Stevia for the brown sugar, and used sugar-free maple syrup but the end result was quite tasty!