{Photo Journal} Enjoying Juneuary

The past two weeks have been rather crazy, but fortunately I had enough time to snap a few pictures. Although we have had “Juneuary” like weather (it was 47 degrees when I woke up today, we had insanely heavy rain yesterday) the flowers and veggies in our yard are thriving. I stole the phrase “Juneuary” from a patient. Not sure who came up with that term but it is the perfect term to describe June weather here in the Pacific NW. The neighborhood flower klepto (also know as my husband) treated me to a nice surprise bouquet one morning. There was also an amazing sunset the other night, perhaps one of the best I have seen yet in Portland. My sister and I have become rather addicted to the game Carcassonne. We have the iPhone app, which is based on a German board game and is extremely addicting. We managed to tie this week, and if you have ever played the game you would understand how unusual that is! (P.S. best money I have ever spent on an iPhone app!)  Last but not least, I snagged a stamp I know will be getting a lot of use in our household!

{Photo Journal} Homeward Bound

Last weekend I made a rather quick and action packed trip home to Northern Virginia to host a baby shower (more on that to come). It was great to see family and friends, but there never seems to be enough time to do everything! Seems like everything I did do involved eating though!

Somedays I still can’t believe my little sis is old enough to be drinking!

Enjoying wine on the patio at Vapiano. Great concept and good food!

Best dessert ever at Härth. Butterscotch pudding, caramel, pound cake and whipped cream! Truly divine.

Hanging out with Emily! We got to tour the veggie garden and the bees on the roof. It’s good to know one of the chefs!!

Natalie got my Dad’s height, which means she gets to ride in the front seat. Must be nice!

My Mom and I, right before our hair got destroyed in my Dad’s new ride. His two-thirds life crisis does come with some nice perks 😉

Oh Yeah, We Went to Cabo!

I can’t even begin to explain how crazy the past month has been. But by far the best part was our anniversarymoon trip to Cabo! On April 10th we celebrated our 2nd anniversary in the warm Baja sunshine. It was a great trip and I am so glad we finally got to celebrate our marriage!

We spent the first 4 nights at Hacienda Encantada thanks to a great deal we scored on Groupon. Tastefully decorated rooms, well maintained grounds and a view that couldn’t be beat. We had a large room with a kitchenette which is a must for us when we travel. Although I had lots on the agenda for us in Cabo, we pretty much crashed by the pool the entire time. Hacienda Encantada had two pools that were really quiet with nice cushy chairs, so it was hard to justify doing much else.

Next, we drove about four hours north to La Paz, an authentic fishing village which is also the capital of the southern Baja state. We stayed at the small, but quaint, Casa Verde Inn which was a complete steal for only $80 a night!  It was nice to get a real taste of life in southern Baja and we were so happy for some time away from tourists. Most people spoke English, but Alex enjoying the opportunity to practice his Spanish. Can’t say I mind traveling with my own personal interpreter either! The highlights of La Paz were great seafood and Telecote Beach. We practically had the place to ourselves and felt like we are on a desert island!

We spent our last night at the Hotel Casa Natalia which was truly a treat. This boutique hotel in the heart of San Juan del Cabo was one of the nicest places either of us have ever stayed. Although I would highly recommend every place we stayed, Casa Natalia is a can’t miss if you are ever visiting the area. We are hoping for a chance to return there soon!

Below is a sampling of our pictures. If you click on one of the images a gallery will pop up making for much easier viewing. Hope you enjoy the slideshow!

Finding Portland

Little known fact about me… I LOVE time-lapse videos. I think they are amazing uses of photography, music and technology. This week John Waller, who owns Uncage the Soul Productions in Southeast Portland, released an extremely well made video featuring all the beauty Portland has to offer. You can read more about it here.

Sometimes I can’t believe how lucky I am to live in such an amazing place. Hope you enjoy the video and have a great weekend wherever you are!

Finding Portland from Uncage the Soul Productions on Vimeo.

{Crafting} Dr. Seuss Baby Shower Invitations

Let me start this post out by saying, no, I’m not pregnant. My best friend Rachel is. And by the way, my name is Rachael which is SO different from Rachel. And no, we are not sisters. And yes, someone actually asked us that once. Seriously??

Anyway, Rachel has pretty much been a member of the family since we met back in 1994. We bonded over Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Sim City and glasses of milk filled with mini Snackwell’s cookies which were eaten with a spoon. Don’t knock it till you try it. Rachel has her first mini-me due July 3rd and my Mom and I jumped on the opportunity to throw her a shower. As per usual, we took something simple and are spending countless hours on the Internet finding ways to make it as complicated as possible. Damn you Pinterest, you truly are a time warp. It didn’t take us long to settle on a Dr. Seuss theme and of course I had to channel my inner Martha Stewart and create my own invitations.

First, I borrowed many ideas of Seuss themed invites I found on the Internet and combined them using GIMP. This is a totally  free, open source Photoshop-like program. I used Photoshop for years until I switched to a Mac and was too cheap to get new software.  GIMP is almost as good as the real thing, and did I mention it is free??  Many thanks for whoever was creative enough to come up with the wording of the poem. No one in my immediate family was blessed with original creativity. The fonts are Sketch Block Bold and Lauren Script. These were then printed two up on nice heavy card stock. Paper slicers truly are one of the world’s great inventions and allowed me to achieve straight lines when cutting these babies down.

Next, I used a paper punch from the Martha Stewart craft collection to add some decorative holes on the top and bottom edge of the card. Sorry for the ugly blur on the photo but I didn’t want the entire world knowing our addresses!

I attached these to slightly large pre-cut blue cards which came with matching envelopes. Not wanting to mess around with liquid glue I gave Elmer’s Glue Dots a whirl and they truly are a miracle dot. You attach them just like white out and press them down and voila! Instant, non-messy, non-wrinkly glue!

Don’t worry, I didn’t stop there. I decided I had to cut tissue paper to line the inside flap of the envelope. Again, I attached this with the miracle dots.

Here is what the finished product looks like. I have to admit, I am pretty damn impressed with myself. Can’t say we really saved any money over buying invites off the Internet. These averaged about $1 each including all supplies and envelopes. I already had the paper slicer, but the hole punch was new. Everything was purchased from Michaels.

Have no fear. There are many  more Seuss themed posts to come!